Carbon Calculator for your Corks
All sectors of the wine world are committed to the global fight against climate change through the limiting of carbon emissions. Amorim, a global partner to the wine industry, has been at the forefront
of the commitment to reduce CO2 footprint. It placed an even greater emphasis on the uniqueness of natural cork products as its origin – the cork oak forests – play an important and well-documented
role in fighting global warming.
At Amorim we have undertaken a firm commitment to sustainably-crafted products based on a raw natural material – cork – whose credentials in the world of environmental ethics are unquestioned. Amorim recently commissioned a major research project to leading consultancy and auditing firms PricewaterhouseCoopers and EY. The brief was to evaluate not only the role of cork in the retention of greenhouse gases, but also the carbon sink effect of the cork oak forests.
Besides cork thus emphasising its credentials as by far the most eco-friendly of all types of wine closures, it can offset the carbon footprint of glass bottles, which on average amount to 400 grams of CO2 (Miguel Torres: Climate Change & Viticulture, Solutions for The Wine Industry Conference – Porto Protocol March 6th 2019).
To calculate the climate positive impact of your cork selection, choose the product(s) and quantities.
(values only applicable to Amorim cork stoppers)